Chanel Stitt


Primary Genres: I write news articles. I also write social media posts. I like telling the stories of small business owners because every person has a story, but the journey of entrepreneurship can be a difficult process. It feels great to talk about the good and the bad of the experience.

What might you like people to know about you as a writer? What you like people to know about you as a person?

My writing is focused on minority-owned businesses in and around the city of Detroit. I also write about nonprofit funding.

I spend a lot of time with my family. I enjoy watching reality TV shows and taking a good shopping trip.

YpsiWrites' theme this year is "Write for Change." Given this theme, what type of change do you think your writing inspires and what are your reasons for doing this writing?

My writing inspires change because I am covering topics and businesses that have never been covered before. My favorite part of the job is when business owners come back to say that my work brought customers into their stores or that they made new connections because of a story that I wrote.

You can read more about Chanel and her writing at The Detroit Free Press.

Chanel Stitt