Janice Anschuetz

Primary Genres: I research and write 4 articles each year for the Ypsilanti Historical Society magazine - Gleanings. I worked as a school social worker and wrote many grants for my district. I have written two books about my ancestors for public distribution. I wrote many case studies as a social worker. I like to research my articles and try to make the people and situations I write about come alive for the reader.

What might you like people to know about you as a writer? What you like people to know about you as a person?

I research and write to keep my mind active. The deadlines are helpful in keeping me organized. I am fortunate to have many interests and activities. Even though I am nearly 80 years old I still take classes and enjoy activities for mind, body and spirit. Currently I am taking classes in yoga, tai chi, tap dancing, strength training, I have been a volunteer with the Friends of the Ypsilanti Library since 1998. I was on the board of the Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation Commission for a record 47 years, from it's inception, and this was very rewarding as we purchased land and developed parks and preserves. I am on the board of the 50 and Beyond program at the Ypsilanti Township Community Center. I have been a volunteer at the Humane Society of Huron Valley and fostered close to 100 kittens.

YpsiWrites' theme this year is "Write for Change." Given this theme, what type of change do you think your writing inspires and what are your reasons for doing this writing?

In my research and writing for the Gleanings and in other writing, I try to help my readers understand the dynamics of historical situations and how they may have influenced a person's social development. Recently I have been focusing on women and their role in Ypsilanti history.

You can read Janice’s articles and all copies of Ypsilanti Gleanings at www.archive.org/details/ypsilanti-gleanings

Janice Anschuetz