Write for Wellness: Student Advisory Team 2023-2024

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Meet the Student Advisory Team

Marisa Hamet (she/her) is currently finishing her junior year and is studying social work with the hope to work with adolescents. While taking social work classes, Marisa has gained a bigger understanding of how important mental well being is for adolescents and how often their mental health problems go unnoticed, which causes them to suffer more. This is a big part of why she wants to work with adolescents. Marisa decided to create a worksheet on grief because she has gone through her own struggles regarding the death of a loved one, and knows how important it is to talk about grief and everything else that goes along with it. 


Sarah Garnett (she/her) is studying clinical psychology and is interested in acceptance and commitment based therapy and personality. Sarah is a second year masters student in the clinical psychology program completing her practicum at EMU CAPS. After graduation, she plans to work with young to middle age adults in private practice focusing on mood disorders and interpersonal issues. Sarah decided to create a worksheet on values because of her clinical, academic, and personal experience engaging in values clarification, as well as seeing the benefits of such engagement for herself and her clients.


Crystal Lim (she/her) will be graduating with a clinical behavioral master’s degree, and she is looking forward to providing services to outpatient clinics as well as working as a research coordinator before pursuing her doctoral degree in clinical psychology. She is passionate about public mental health services and aims to build a team of interdisciplinary behavioral health service providers. She primarily researches the relations between an individual’s behavior and their context and develops accessible and inclusive functional assessments. She decided to create this worksheet to guide people on how we can improve our daily living, which directly contributes to our behavioral well-being.


Kanica Bhutoria (she/her) is a clinical psychology PhD student specializing in research and treatment of abuse and trauma. She is currently receiving therapy training at EMU Community Behavioral Health Clinic and is looking forward to working at an Outpatient Clinic in the Fall. She is interested in bringing more awareness to the underrepresented population of Male Victims of interpersonal violence. She decided to create this worksheet in hopes of helping parents navigate the challenging transitory phase of accepting their child’s diagnosis, and aid in helping them act in accordance with their values.